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How to determine the version and product update of Sage 100 installed

Sage 100

How to find the specific version and product update of a Sage 100 installation.


If able to access and log into Sage 100 (formerly Sage MAS 90 or 200):

  1. Launch Sage 100 (or formerly Sage MAS 90 or 200)
  2. Access the Help menu
    • Note: This would be the on the toolbar that includes FileModulesMy TasksView, and Help
  3. Select About or About Sage 100
  4. Locate the version information
    • Example: Sage 100c Standard 2016 (Version

If unable to access and log into Sage 100 (formerly Sage MAS 90 or 200):

Note: The following procedure only works if the “..\MAS90” directory and its contents are available (either as installed on the server, or as a backup copy).

The status.flp file will indicate what the base version is. It does not indicate what Product Update, program fixes, or third-party enhancements may be included.

  1. Browse to the “..\MAS90\Home” where the data is stored or where Sage 100 is installed (if not a backup copy)
  2. Open the Status.flp using a text editor (Such as Notepad) to read the version of SS (System Setup).
    • Examples:
      • 5.40 – Sage 100 2017
      • 5.30 – Sage 100 2016
      • 5.20 – Sage 100 2015
      • 5.10 – Sage 100 2014
      • 5.00 – Sage 100 2013
      • 4.50 – Sage 100 (formerly Sage MAS 90 or 200) version 4.50